A Seasonal Guide to Swimming Pool Maintenance

Do you seek to hire a local pool servicing company or debating whether to perform the swimming pool maintenance yourself? This short eBook will offer a crash course in all you need to know to keep your pool in great working order every season of the year!

This book is broken into six sections for your convenience, inside you will learn:Swimming_Pool_Maintenance_Latham_Pool_Products

  1. Fiberglass Pool Maintenance, including seasonal tips and regular routines you should follow.
  2. Vinyl Pool Liner Maintenance, including seasonal tips and regular routines you should follow.
  3. Safety Cover or Auto Cover, a solid overview of the maintenance benefits to having a safety or auto-cover for your pool.
  4. Pool Maintenance Shopping List,a great starting point for a shopping list to take to your local pool supply shop before you start your pool maintenance projects.
  5. Season Maintenance Checklist, a quick-hit checklist for your seasonal maintenance routines.
  6. Pool Maintenance Q&A, a handy reference guide covering most of the maintenance related questions the pool experts here at Latham get asked on a regular basis.

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